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The HLA-4X is a robust system housed in a NEMA 4X enclosure for areas that require constant protection against the elements. It provides constant monitoring of potentially threatening liquid level conditions at one or more alarm points. The HLA-4X is available in a variety of models ranging from 2-10 alarm point monitoring.
Models | Description | Enclosure |
HLA-4X | 1 Alarm Point Liquid Level Alarm | 6" x 6" x 4" |
HLA-4X-2 | 2 Alarm Point Liquid Level Alarm | 10" x 8" x 4" |
HLA-4X-3 | 3 Alarm Point Liquid Level Alarm | 12" x 10" x 6" |
HLA-4X-4 | 4 Alarm Point Liquid Level Alarm | 12" x 10" x 6" |
HLA-4X-5 | 5 Alarm Point Liquid Level Alarm | 14" x 12" x 6" |
HLA-4X-6 | 6 Alarm Point Liquid Level Alarm | 14" x 12" x 6" |
HLA-4X-7 | 7 Alarm Point Liquid Level Alarm | 14" x 12" x 6" |
HLA-4X-8 | 8 Alarm Point Liquid Level Alarm | 14" x 12" x 6" |
HLA-4X-9 | 9 Alarm Point Liquid Level Alarm | 14" x 12" x 6" |
HLA-4X-10 | 10 Alarm Point Liquid Level Alarm | 14" x 12" x 6" |
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- 120/208/240VAC, single phase, 60Hz
- Indoor/Outdoor NEMA 4X rated enclosure: Heavy duty polycarbonate with stainless steel lockable latches
- UL listed for the United States and Canada (panel and controls)
- Alarm visible indicators: Red beacon alarm light, alarm test and silence buttons
- Audible alarm provides audio warning of alarm condition (85 decibel)
- Alarm automatically resets when liquid level is back to normal
- 22mm indicator on front panel for each alarm point
- Remote monitoring dry contacts (Form C)
- Each panel comes standard with a narrow angle float switch with 20' cord for each alarm point
Custom Options
- AF = Alarm Flasher
- BB = 9V Battery Backup for Alarm Circuit
- C = Additional cord lengths greater than 20’*
- PX = Pump Portal® Wireless Remote System Monitoring
- S3 = No Floats Included
- S4 = Normally Closed Float (for Low Level Applications)
- SS4 = Upgraded Enclosure (304 Stainless Steel)
- SS6 = Upgraded Enclosure (316 Stainless Steel)
Note: For additional options or to mix and match high and low level alarm points on a single control panel, contact the factory at 888.733.9283 to discuss your requirements.
*Additional cord lengths greater than 20’: Specify after C. Example: (HLA-4X-C50) Indicates 50’ cord lengths for floats.
- Industrial sumps
- Holding tanks
- Residential tanks
- Lift stations